Thursday, July 31, 2008

kung-fu beyatch

so this is the bitch who served me papers last night. actually, it was a dodgy-looking, slob of a process server who showed up at the door, greeted by 3-year-old parker in lavender footie pajamas, and tricked us into thinking he had a package for me. sweet. she's suing me after running a red light sans insurance and totaling my subaru.

she actually looks pretty bad ass. guess it's a good thing she didn't get out of the car and take me down with some nunchucks or a high kick to the temple. she's definitely got some moves. she's ugly though, mean looking, tough. just like i remember her from my dazed post-airbag-deployed state of shock (on her cell phone). even the paramedics told me she was a twunt. aren't they not supposed to tell accident victims stuff like that? oh, well...

relationships all around me are crumbling. last weekend eric dumped alex by handing her a note upon returning from comic_con after 12 years and a relationship that survived two cities and a year's worth of commuting. she's a mess. my heart breaks for her.

1 comment:

Heather Marlowe said...

oh the dirty t---t word...wait i'm confused? was it a male or female that showed up at your door? the youtube link wasn't working.