Saturday, August 30, 2008

slow food saturday

i got up early with nino and managed to get in a powerwalk up through buena vista park. the morning was still heavy with mist and it was pretty ethereal there, with no one around almost the entire time i meandered through the woods.

i stopped at the panhandle playground to visit with lorna since she returns to london tomorrow. all the 'bean there' mamas crews were there with their broods, it was great to see them all. i'll miss lorna so much and hope we can get together one last time tomorrow.

after, i rallied at home, zannah came over and we took the kids to the slow food marketplace/garden at civic center. nice, but tough with a three-year-old and the little guy in a stroller. parker got interviewed by some woman taping for slow food nation. she was in kind of a snit and didn't show too well on camera.

after well over a year of planning for it, we finally started pre-school this week. i say "we" because we're at laurel hill nursery, a co-op where much parental participation is expected. we had our sites set on getting parker into belvedere motnessori, but that didn't pan out, despite our letter writing and photography efforts. LHNS seems pretty groovy thus far. there are a couple of writers there, including aidin from the chronicle and the big girl with the pink hair who did the blog about her daughter violet for babycenter. parker's first day was wednesday and i worked my shift. it was actually quite fun and i look forward to the work days. the meetings, not so much.

also, this week, i had my corneas lasered and reshaped by the amazing Dr. Ella Faktorovich and now have better than 20/20 vision. it's like a miracle. for the first time in memory, i can open my eyes and see across the room...

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